High Voltage Training
Online Training
Hazardous Areas Training
Industrial Safety Training
Refrigeration Training
Instrumentation Training
Renewable Energy Training
EEM Training
Select Course
High Voltage Switching (3 day)
High Voltage Switching Live Web (3 day)
HV Switching Ref (2 day)
HV Switching Ref Live Web (2 day)
HV Coordination (Online)
HV Recipient
Apply Work Health and Safety - UEECD0007
Arc Flash Awareness (Online)
HA Awareness (Coal, Gas and Dust)
Hazardous Areas Awareness (Gas)
Hazardous Awareness Awareness (Dust)
HA Verification Dossier
High Voltage Awareness (Non-Accredited)
QBP - Qualified Business Person Online
Senior Supervisor (G2)
S3 Communicate Information
Work safe near live EL apparatus Non Elec
Work safe near live electrical apparatus
EEHA (5 day)
Cert IV in Hazardous Areas - Electrical - UEE42622
EEHA Ref Upgrade (3 day)
Cert IV HA Online Component UEE42622
QTP - Qualified Technical Person
QTP - Qualified Technical Person LW
QTP – Safe Work and Verification of Elec Installs
QTP Prac - Block
QBP - Qualified Business Person LW
QBP - Qualified Business Person CSQ
Cert II Split Systems
Cert II Split Systems - 2nd Install
Cert III Refrig - UEE32220
Cert III Refrig (Pract Block 1) - UEE32220
Cert IV in Electrical - Instrumentation
Cert IV Electrical - Instro UEE40420 (Funded)
Cert III in Instrumentation & Control
Cert III in Instrumentation & Control - Funded
Communications and Network Topology
Cert IV in Electrical - Instro (Practical)
Cert III in Instrumentation & Control (Practical)
Design & Install Grid Connect Photovoltaic Systems
Design & Install Grid Connect Photovoltaic Sys LW
Solar Battery Storage
Solar Battery Storage Live Web
Solar Battery Pre-Requisite
Reticulation (OC & UG)
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